Monday, August 20, 2018


My name is Alona Kemp. I'm almost 21 years old (August 26). I'm from Dallas, Texas. 
I don't like my name, I'm young for my "grade", and I've never taken advantage of living in a major US city.
I'm a senior this year. I'm an Honors student. I'm a Letters major and an International Area Studies major. I've just returned from a semester abroad, in Clermont-Ferrand, France, where I finished my French minor, satisfied a requirement for IAS, and made lots of good friends.
I'm a woman. I'm bi. I'm Black. I'm a Liberal--like, super liberal. I'm willing to discuss nearly anything, but I can't promise to come around.
I'm partially deaf in both ears, so I read lips to catch what I miss in conversation. I don't see that posing a problem in this course, but if I ever meet any of you in person and I watch your mouth move, either ignore my gaze or speak up.
I'm an atheist. That doesn't mean that I don't believe in good or evil, or in the value of a human life. I just don't need a god to get me there.
I have a brother and a sister (Nicolas, or 'Cole' and Karis), both younger. Being the oldest has its perks, but I think the damage that your inexperienced parents do on your psyche isn't really worth being the first to get a car. 
I love fantasy books, and sci-fi books, and historical fiction books...I really like books. I think it sucks that I don't have any time to read for fun anymore.
I love all kinds of music, except for country. I can't say that I like the whole genre, but I like a few songs within the genre. But I like reggae, alternative/indie, rock/soft rock, R&B and Hip-Hop. Sometimes I listen to German rap. I don't speak a word of German.
I have a dog, a mutt named Ginger. She was abandoned in our backyard when I was a kid, and we kept her. She's nearly 14 years old now. I live in Norman now, but even when I lived in Texas I never had much time to play with her. I do love dogs though. All dogs. Cats, not so much.
I love to paint and draw. I design tattoos for people, professionally. I cannot actually tattoo anyone, but I can give you a sketch to take to an artist.
I am writing a Research thesis this semester to earn my cum laude in International Studies. It is incredibly stressful to keep up with two online classes and a 30 page research paper. Why would I register for 2 online classes and a high intensity research paper? Apparently, I like pain.
I'm emotional about the most random things. I don't cry at funerals, but I watched the destruction of an ancient library on the news, or read about the extinction of the black rhino, and I cry like a baby. 
I watch the most random shows on Netflix (my parents won't but a Hulu account and I refuse to buy one for some reason). Archer, That 70's Show, Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency, Lucifer, Big Mouth, Sherlock, Shameless, Parks and Rec, Merlin, Peaky Blinders, Supernatural, The Get Down...I highly recommend any of these shows by the way. If you'd like more, let me know. I've got good taste in TV, haha.
When I graduate in May, I plan to go to law school. Hopefully on one of the coasts, East or West. I want to work to secure human rights for people around the world and within the US. I think I'd like to work for the ACLU, and eventually for UNESCO. I know I'm a weirdly ambitious person, but you gotta shoot for the moon. "Even if you miss, you'll land among the stars."
If I had the time I'd try calligraphy. But all the supplies look insanely expensive, so I'm stuck with beautiful handwriting in pens from Walmart.
I was not popular in high school. Or middle school. Or elementary school. Now that I'm older, I'm okay with myself, but I used to be incredibly insecure. I still find that insecurity creeping up on me sometimes. 
I've always had an interest in mythology and folk tales. When I was a child, my parents had a book of African stories and tall tales that they used to read to me and my siblings. When I got older, I read them to Cole and Karis myself. I used to research Greek and Roman myths for fun, fueled by Rick Riordan's Percy Jackson series. Later I got into Egyptian mythology, Norse mythology, African mythology. I think that they reveal so much about humanity collectively, and studying humanity from the vantage point of "one of them" is one of my favorite things.
I'm excited for this semester.


  1. Not having time to read for fun is one of the biggest downsides of school, Alona; that happens to me too! (In fact, that's why I enrolled myself in the class this semester; it's a way to give myself some reading-and-writing time every week.) And I had no idea that Dirk Gently was a TV show: I love the books (in fact, I love anything and everything having to do with Douglas Adams), so I am going to have to check that out. I thought The Get Down was brilliant. Are you thinking about Boalt Law School in Berkeley? I had a lot of friends who went to school there. You can't get much more west coast than that. (Yes, I still miss Berkeley.) And of course a whole world of myths and stories awaits you in this class... I hope the project can be something fun that lets you explore something you always wanted to learn about, but WITHOUT adding more pain to the school agenda! I am totally of fan of stories, but very pain-averse. That whole no-pain-no-gain thing has never appealed to me; I'm more of a share-and-enjoy type of learner, in the spirit of the Hitchhiker's Guide. Live on, Douglas Adams! :-)

  2. Hi Alona,

    First off, happy 21st birthday ( yes I know its a little late). Why don’t you like your name? I think it is very unique. When I was younger I wished my name was different but now that I am older I really like my name because it is also unique like yours. Studying abroad is awesome! I always wanted to go but I never went. Going to a new country all by yourself is a little scary but very exciting for sure. You seem like a very interesting person!

    1. I don't like the sound of my name. I think that at some point in my childhood I developed a weird bias against the letter "O." Also, everyone messes it up when they spell it or pronounce it, and it always looks/sounds better than the original. I do like that no one ever has to say "Which Alona?" though.
      P.S. Your name is beautiful

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.


  4. Hi Alona! I’m also an oldest child, and I definitely think it contributes to my personality a lot, too. My parents did a pretty good job stumbling through raising me, so I think my younger brother has it worse because he has their scrutiny in everything. It’s super neat that you design tattoos! I had a friend who did that, and his artwork blew me away. I bet that skill really would make you great at calligraphy! I also get emotional at weird things. I’m stone-faced in any funeral or sappy movie, but if I’m scrolling through Facebook and see a video of a dog, I’m done for. I also grew up with my head in books of myths and folktales, and I loved reading to my brother! He couldn’t talk for a long time, so I read to him from my books of fairy tales to help him learn. Best of luck with your research paper this semester! It sounds like you’ve got the determination you need to make it wherever you want to go!

  5. Nice to meet you!

    Being the oldest means you get to be the guinea pig; depending on your family that could be awesome or terrifying. My experience was a mixture of both, which is probably the case in most families. You strike me as a very independent individual, which I admire, and I really enjoyed how succinctly you described what atheism does and doesn't entail.

    I respect your television choices. Solid mix, and at least one or two I've never watched but will try to. Fantasy, sci-fi and horror makeup most of what I read, at least before senior year started (I never have time to read anymore... so sad).

    I think you have the determination to land anywhere you'd like. It's a pleasure to meet you, and I can't wait to read more of your work this semester!


  6. Hi Alona! My name is Maria and I'm a senior too. My major is Marketing and I'm actually graduating this December. I really like the layout of you blog, it flows really nicely. I love how you have so many interests. I too like to explore new hobbies when I have the chance. It was great to get to know you a little bit, hope you have an awesome senior year!

  7. Hi Alona! My first question is why don't you like your name? My second is what was your most memorable thing(s) about France? I really like reading your introduction cause afterwards I feel like I have actually physically met you. After reading about your accomplishments, I can already tell you have your cum laude in the bag! I value your views on topics and look forward to reading more from you this semester!

    1. The best parts of France for me were making friends with people from all over Europe who were also international students. I have friends from Scotland, Finland, Germany, Czech Republic, Italy, Spain, even Mexico, China, Vietnam, and Rwanda. I got to do a bunch of cool stuff too--I climbed the Eiffel Tower, I had a three course meal in an actual castle, I went to the top of a volcano. I think if you go abroad, and just say yes to everything (with common sense), you end up having an amazing time with lots of crazy memories, friends and stories.

  8. Hi Alona! You have inspired me to go listen to some German rap now, just to see what it sounds like. I’m always looking for something new to watch on Netflix, so I really enjoyed your recommendation list. I’ve heard some good things about Merlin but I haven’t started it yet. I think that it’s so cool that you design tattoos for people and I’d love to see some of your work!

  9. Hi Alona! I tried to comment earlier, but it's not showing up on my computer, so I'm sorry if this is a duplicate. My name is Makenzi and I'm a senior at OU. I'm a PR major and am taking this class because I too have always been interested in mythology. I read the Percy Jackson series in middle school and high school and really loved them! I love reading and often don't have enough time to do it either. I am trying to read a book right now called The Nightingale. It is a historical fiction novel about World War II and I'm enjoying it so far!
    I hope you have a great rest of your semester!

  10. Hi Alona! I’d like to first say that I really enjoy your name! I think it’s pretty cool. Not many people can pronounce my name so there’s that. I think it’s so cool that you can design tattoos for people! I love tattoos and I’m currently drawing one that I’ll get pretty soon—hopefully. I am not an artist at all, but I did teach myself calligraphy. Just look at youtube videos and grab a magic marker! I usually use pencils or pens—I don’t have many calligraphy pens. The ones that I have were gifts from my parents. Hopefully you’ll have some time to practice because I really enjoy calligraphy!

  11. Hi Alona! I can tell you have a ton going on as you wrote clearly and to the point. You have a profound sense of self understanding, which is beyond admirable. I, like you, am from Dallas, a liberal and get emotional about the oddest things. I can push most anything of emotional value under the rug, but to then become overwhelmed by tears when someone hits a high note? I don't even sing, so it makes zero sense. I admire your respect for the value of human/ all elements of life. Again, much like you, I love the little elements of life that go into creating the big picture. The loss of anything such as an old library or an extinct animal causes a great shift in the world, but is sadly seen as irrelevant in someone life due to lack of direct involvement. It is that ignorance in the world that breaks my heart, because we are all here together and must protect and cherish what was here before us. Always leave the situation better than how you entered it, right? PS. love the TV suggestions, as I have enjoyed a majority of them, but take a look at Californiacation, it ended up being my favorite show of all time.

  12. Hey Alona!
    Wow that sounds like an extremely busy semester! I can't imagine working on a research paper while doing other writing assignments, but that being said I've been able to read a story or two from you and they are incredibly well-written and I think you've really got a talent for creative writing. Man I wish I had decided to take a semester to study abroad, I've only ever been to Nice,France but I'm sure it was very beautiful in Clermont-Ferrand. After studying there, did it spark your interest to travel anywhere else in particular? Best of luck this semester although I'm sure you won't need any!

  13. Hi Alona, I love that you wrote your introduction so direct and to-the-point. I am also an honors student, and I actually was able to study abroad in France this past summer! I was in Vichy, which is very near where you were, Clermont-Ferrand. I was actually able to visit Clermont-Ferrand a few times while I was there since they were so close, I wonder if we ever passed by each other? I also have a dog, I grew up around dogs my whole life, but right now I am living with my Benji up in Norman. He definitely helps making college easier. Have a great rest of your semester!

  14. Hey there!

    I think it's awesome that you're willing to be so open about yourself with all things. I feel like I probably lean more to the liberal side myself, but mostly I try to stay out of politics in general, I feel like it just leads to problems whenever people argue about it. There is the general argument, "If you don't take an interest in it, who will?" In all honesty, I prefer not to get involved and just stand up for what I think is right if I have to. Most of that probably comes from growing up in a super controlling conservative family haha. But anyways, it's nice to meet you!

  15. Hi Alona! You sound like someone that I could really get along with! I am a fellow liberal, queer, atheist that wants to change the world fro the better. What are you doing your research paper on? I am trying to figure out what I want to do my honors thesis on, I think I might be able to get away with doing a short film or something of that genre because of my major but I am not sure. I loved the Rick Riordan books when I was younger! Did you know that he has since written books inspired by Egyptian Mythology?

    - Anna Margret

  16. Hi Alona. It’s so cool that you studied abroad last semester! It always seemed like a fun idea and it seems like you had a great time! What was your favorite part about spending time in France? Who are some of your favorite musicians? I think that it is cool that you are into so many different kinds of music, especially German rap! Calligraphy seems like a really fun hobby to try out. It is so beautiful! Thanks for sharing Alona!

  17. Hello Alona, my name is Devin and I am also a senior here at the University of Oklahoma but I am a chemical engineering major. I think your name is really cool and don’t think you should hate it! Also it’s really awesome that you paint and draw, and are able to draw tattoos for people. I always liked to draw and wasn’t too bad at it but I just never have time for it.

  18. Hi Alona!
    I watched Sherlock and Parks and Rec and loved both of them! I will have to check out some of the other ones that you mentioned!
    I am also a senior so I know how busy this year gets. Especially since I am graduating in December!
    Sounds like you have a very busy schedule this semester!
    Good luck on your thesis!

  19. Hey Alona. I like how open you are in your introduction because I know in mine I wasn't open at all and that takes courage. I love all the shows you recommended and would recommend them to anyone else as well. I hope you get through this semester okay because two online classes and a thirty page research paper sounds like a lot of work.

  20. Hello Alona !

    I noticed your last name is Kemp! Are you related to Bryce? He has family in North Dallas, or maybe this is just a coincidence. Also, it sounds like you have a tough class work load this semester! I am in the same boat. Stay motivated! You're missing out on the Hulu ! There are so many good shows. You gotta try it. I have not watched any of the shows you mentioned on Netflix.

    1. I do have a cousin named Bryce but I don't know if we know that same "Bryce." Which Bryce are you talking about? haha

  21. Hi Alona!

    I really liked your introduction because you seem very authentic and proud of who you are. I feel like there are so many things we have in common and things I want to say but don’t know where to start. I think it is super cool you design tattoos, I wish you would have included a picture. You have so many different interests and you seem like a really cool person!

  22. Hi, Alona! First off, I have to say that I really liked and enjoyed reading your introduction! You seem very real and authentic and I think that is very hard to come by now a days. I think it is really cool that you design tattoos! I currently have two tattoos and I am hoping to get my third one soon. Overall, you seem like a really cool person and I am glad I got to know a little bit about you! Have a great rest of your semester!

  23. Hey Alona! I just wanted to say that I do like your like and that I think it's very beautiful. I would say that Dallas is a major city that's pretty big but I think I understand that you mean somewhere like L.A. or NYC. It's awesome that you spent time abroad and I hope you enjoyed it! Have a great rest of the semester!

  24. Hi Alona! I bet France was so beautiful! I agree that not having any time to read books that you WANT to read is frustrating. I have been stuck on my most recent series for months now because I started in the summer and then school took my life over. What tattoo design was your favorite?? I look forward to reading your stories!

  25. Hello Alona! I cannot believe that I have not yet seen any of your stories. I am glad that I cam across it today. I also love to paint and draw, although I have not picked up my sketch book in too long. I have picked up an interest in crochet, so that consumes most of my time, and it is not as messy! I look forward to reading one of your stories next. :)
